Before the test
What is the test about?
There are 3 sections:
- Quantitative and Formal Reasoning will assess skills in the domains of mathematics and science.
- Verbal and Plausible Reasoning will assess reasoning in the domians of arts, humanities and social sciences.
- Critical Reasoning will assess general reasoning across both of the broad domains.
What are the test dates?
Please refer to the information under Register.
How do I register to sit uniTEST?
Firstly, you will need to check that the university you wish to apply will accept uniTEST scores. If the university will accept uniTEST scores for the course you wish to apply to, you will need to contact the university to register by the registration deadline.
How long is the test?
You have 150 minutes to complete uniTEST, plus 10 minutes reading time.